The Quintessential Quintuplets is an anime series which is currently in its second season following the story of the Nakano quintuplets Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki, who are belonging to a rich family but academically challenged, and their private tutor Futaro Uesugi, who is in academically gifted despite being in a difficult situation in life.
The Quintessential Quintuplets ∬ (two signifying that the season is in its second season) are taken over by Bibury Animation Studios from the Tezuka Productions which produced the first season. There was also a change in the director from Satoshi Kuwabara to Kaori but the writer of the series remains the same in Keiichirō Ōchi.
Although Bibury Animation Studios is a relatively young company with only Azur Lane: The Animation under its belt, there should be no worries as the animation of the Quintessential Quintuplets is doing great so far.
The animated series follows the Japanese shōnen manga of the same name by Negi Haruba which is published in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine. The manga series finished producing in February 2020 ending in the 14th tankōbon volume.
The second season is supposed to premiere last year but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the anime premiere was moved to January 2021, four months after its supposed release. The Nakano quintuplets open each episode with the theme song "Gotōbun no Katachi" and end it with "Hatsukoi."
It is airing weekly via the umbrella of the partnership of Crunchyroll and Funimation which releases the episodes simultaneously where Funimation offers the English simuldub, the English dubbed version which is simultaneously released with its original release in Japan, and where Crunchyroll is giving the episodes in its original Japanese audio with the English subtitles and you can choose also the subtitles of Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish.
Funimation and Crunchyroll offer a week earlier screening of the episodes of the animes in their library, including The Quintessential Quintuplets, for those who are subscribed in their premium access. Those who are not yet subscribed will also be able to access the shows on their libraries a week after the premiere to the premium subscribers.
The Quintessential Quintuplets ∬ has lined up 12 episodes which is the standard number of episodes for anime in a season.
The first season covering a good amount of the story from the manga and the second season, so far, covers it as well which means that the manga readers have an inkling of what the story would be going. Although there may be some skips in the anime adaptation, the anime series still puts promise to the way it tells the story.
In the flashforward where it is revealed that Futaro Uesugi will be marrying one of the Nakano quintuplets, however, the bride's identity is yet unknown and it is still unclear whether the second season will be showing who the lucky girl would be.
The Quintessential Quintuplets airs weekly on both Funimation and Crunchyroll every Friday at 1:28 AM JST/ 11:28 EST.
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