How Kamala Khan Became the Unexpected Lead of the Avengers Game

We may not know when Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel will make her MCU debut, but she has found herself as the unexpected lead in the upcoming Avengers game from Crystal Dynamics. With Kamala being the new face of the team, director Shadun Escayg talks a bit about the decision to have her as the new lead.

Talking to IGN, Escayg said:

"I think a lot of people can relate to not truly fitting in anywhere at some time in their life, and finding solace and conflict in these superheroes, or finding this mutual olive branch between people who love these heroes… And that's where Kamala Khan is particularly powerful for us as our player perspective and introduction into this world. She gives us this view of these heroes, and she's on her back footing in relating to her environment and feeling like an outcast. But these heroes give her comfort, and they bond her with this new environment that she's navigating."

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Credit: Crystal Dynamics/Marvel

If anything, Kamala is kind of the perfect vessel for Avengers fans, seeing as she is also a fan of the group in-universe as well. We don't really know what her place in the story is specifically, but we do know that she will be instrumental in bringing back the remaining Avengers after the events of A-Day.

Personally, I think the introduction of Kamala is done so she can prep general audiences for her arrival in the MCU. We don't know what Marvel Studios has planned for the character, but it's been said that the Disney+ show is moving faster than expected—too bad COVID-19 just had to bring everything to a grinding halt.

Kamala Khan is playable in Avengers: A-Day which comes out Sept. 4, 2020 for Xbox One, PC, and PS4.

Read Also: Marvel's Avengers Reveals Post A-Day Story and Its Main Villain