The Doctor Strange sequel titled, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is set to be a bigger cross-over than the recent box-office hit, Spider-Man: No Way Home. The film will feature multiple characters from different franchises from the past, and can also introduce new characters into the MCU. One particular Doctor Strange original Comic book origin character that is rumored to appear in the film is Clea.
Clea is the love interest of Doctor Strange in its Comic book origins but also a sorcerer like Stephen Strange and Wanda. In Marvel Comics, Clea is the daughter of Prince Orini and a legitimate heir to rule the Dark Dimension. Clea also originally gained her powers from the Dark Dimension and her bloodline. In the Comics, Clea plays a substantial part in Doctor Strange’s journey battling different mystic entities and also because she is Strange's love interest.
However, in the MCU, we haven’t seen any potential Clea yet but fortunately, the Multiverse of Madness could set up her introduction. If the MCU won’t follow her Comics origins, we are sure that Marvel writers could give her the best debut.
Here’s How Clea Can Be in Multiverse of Madness (Theory Explained)
Christine Palmer
Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams) will be developed as Clea. In the trailer, we saw Doctor Strange together with America Chavez and Palmer traveling through a different dimension, rumored to be the Dark Dimension. Considering that the Dark Dimension is Clea’s Comics origin, this might be set up to Palmer’s introduction to the world of sorcerers and learning her powers. It’s either she will stumble upon a curse that would accidentally give her abilities like Doctor Strange and Wong, or a Palmer Clea variant will appear in the film. And it's very unlikely that Marvel would give an A-list actress a less relevant role to the film, especially after reports that Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster would be Lady Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder.
Charlize Theron
Charlize Theron will be introduced as Clea. Some reports from 2021 claim that Theron secretly accepted a Marvel role and lots of theories are surfacing online she will be in the Doctor Strange sequel. Considering the ensemble list of actors who are rumored to appear in the film, like Tom Cruise’s variant of Iron Man, Patrick Stewart’s Professor X, seems like Theron would be a great addition. Some theories claim that Clea will appear in another universe introducing herself as another sorcerer. Theron as Clea would also make sense as we saw from the trailer that Palmer is attending her wedding but not for Doctor Strange. So setting up a new character for Doctor Strange’s love interest could be a great idea.
Clea’s debut in the Multiverse of Madness will be relevant for the film and fans would easily spot her once she makes the entry. In last year’s reports, Kevin Feige has hinted that one new character in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is someone he’s long been excited to bring to the films. Given that Clea is initially considered for Doctor Strange’s debut in 2016, it would be perfect to cast her in the sequel.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will hit the big screens on May 6.