The Way of the Househusband is originally a Japanese manga illustrated and written by Kousuke Oono. It was published in Kurage Bunch that was eventually adapted into a live-action drama by Nippon TV. The success of the series did not stop there as J.C Staff developed a Netflix Original Net Animation for The Way of the Househusband in April 2021. A second season quickly followed by October 2021.
The series follows an ex-yakuza boss who decided to retire and became a full-time househusband. Tatsu, or commonly known as The Immortal Dragon, had a change in career to support his wife named Miku. Fans have noticed that the series had an interesting take on masculinity and opens the minds of viewers of being a househusband.
How Did The Way of the Househusband Tackled Masculinity?
From the premise alone, fans will have an idea that Tatsu will break the stereotype in terms of being a househusband. Traditionally, people were used to having a woman do all the cooking and cleaning at home but this series will change that. Tatsu, a scary gangster, will do all the work for his wife. From fighting people to cooking dinner, who would have thought that Tatsu can do both?
Not only Tatsu’s career has an impact on stereotyping. Even his choice of clothes differs from what people are used to. He usually wears an apron at home, and it is considered as part of his image as a househusband.
The series continued to reject toxic masculinity by showing Tatsu’s dedication to support his wife who chose to be a full-time designer. Miku provides the financial aspect of the family while Tatsu maintains the foundation of their family which is their house and keeps everyone healthy by preparing the food. He never had second thoughts on choosing this path because he wanted to support her 100% and do what he can which is to take care of their home.
Just by watching The Way of the Househusband, viewers will come to realize that gender does not affect one’s choice of clothes or career. The anime can be a good source of material for those who wish to reject toxic masculinity.
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