High-Profile Comic Writer Says Marvel Comics Shouldn't Be Taking Cues From the MCU

Jonathan Hickman is one of the biggest names in comics right now and he made waves when it was announced that he would be returning to Marvel as part of the X-Men line of comics. Hickman has promised big things for both House of X and Powers of X and we can't wait to see what he has in store. Interestingly enough, while he will be drawing from past continuity, the writer doesn't want to use nostalgia or the MCU as a crutch.

That MCU mention might have come out of nowhere but it's because Hickman believes that the current slate of Marvel comics shouldn't be taking cues from its movies. Considering how recent comics have bent over backward to be more like the films in recent years - Carol has Kree DNA, Nick Fury has a black son named Nick Fury Jr, Phil Coulson was introduced, a lot of characters have MCU-inspired outfits - this could be seen as a potshot.

Here is Hickman's full statement from Entertainment Weekly:

"I think one of the big mistakes that some people make at Marvel Comics is that we are reactive to what they're doing in the Marvel films. We should not be taking our creative cues from the direction they're taking things in the movies. That kind of defeats the point."
"They have a billion dollars to play with, and we don't. You can't compete in that matter, and you shouldn't. My argument has been [that] I should always be way out in front of that stuff. All of that stuff is being drawn from source material."

Strong words from Hickman. It'll be interesting to see how Marvel Comics reacts to that, assuming they ever do. Considering how a lot of his creations have made it to the MCU - like The Black Order - then it's clear that he has a point.

House of X and Powers of X will be out later this month.

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