Former The Mandalorian star Gina Carano is at the center of controversy following her newsmaking social media posts which ultimately led to her firing from Lucasfilm. Apparently, Carano has been on Disney's watchlist for a couple of months now and they were just waiting for the opportune time to remove her from the Star Wars universe.
Not a lot of people are aware though that the Cara Dune actress wasn't actually the only Disney star to receive criticism for her social media behavior. Last December, Black Panther star Letitia right faced backlash for her apparent support of anti-vaccination.
The backlash was just too intense that the Shuri actress couldn't help but retaliate to some of her critics and even went as far as mocking them. Cooler heads prevailed in the end and the entire issue led to Wright deleting her Twitter account.
Aside from her, Mulan actress Liu Yifei also received a ton of criticism for her stand regarding Hong Kong's issue with police brutality. Yifei's alleged support of violence blew up just as the live-action version of Mulan was about to premiere and it eventually led to the #BoycottMulan movement.
Now, you may be wondering why Disney didn't act on the situation and fired both Letitia and Yifei just like they did Carano last week. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney chose not to blow things out of proportion and let their respective issues die a natural death. It also helped that Letitia deleted her Twitter account and Liu refused to talk about her stand regarding the Hong Kong issue.
If anything, this tells you that Carano could've avoided major disaster by simply using her platform "responsibly" instead of airing her controversial views which ticked a lot of people and I'm pretty sure that's something the folks over at Disney always wanted her to do but I guess it was all too late.
Meanwhile, Black Panther 2 is scheduled for release in 2022.
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