Black Panther star Letitia Wright is facing criticism for her alleged support of the anti-vaccination movement amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It all began when the Shuri actress shared a video from On The Table, a discussion channel on YouTube. The presenter of the show talks about whether or not we should get vaccinated. "I don't understand vaccines medically, but I've always been a little bit of a skeptic of them," presenter Tomi Arayomi says during the first half of the video.
The video link has since been taken down from Letitia's official Twitter account but it was already a little too late for the actress as users harassed her big time for posting the video. This of course led a lot of people to believe that Letitia is an "anti-vaxxer". A lot of people, including her fans were furious over the video and they wasted no time taking Letitia to "cancel city". See some of the reactions below:
Wright would later clarify that she only posted the video to create awareness and nothing more. In her latest tweet, she wrote, "my intention was not to hurt anyone, my ONLY intention of posting the video was it raised my concerns with what the vaccine contains and what we are putting in our bodies. Nothing else."
Just like that, cancel culture was able to claim another victim. Letitia seems to be unfazed though by the controversy and by the looks of it, she's firm about her stand regarding COVID-19 vaccines and I'm not exactly sure if that's a smart move. But considering the fact that she's already cleared the air regarding the issue, I think it's about time some fans go easy on her. This might've been just a huge misunderstanding after all.
In other news, Letitia Wright is set to reprise her role as Shuri in Black Panther 2.
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