Magic: The Gathering Mythic Invitational Details Announced & Here's How You Can Qualify

Wizards of the Coast

The first ever Magic: The Gathering Mythic Invitational is coming this March. Wizards of the Coast have already announced 56 of the 64 players who will compete in the Mythic Invitational, and now they've announced how you can earn an invite and get one of the eight remaining slots for the tournament.

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The best constructed players in Magic Arena during the February 1-28 preseason will fill the final 8 slots in the Mythic Invitational. Getting to Mythic level in Arena is already difficult but making it to the Top 8 will be more challenging.

"We'll be publishing official rankings of the top 100 weekly throughout the month of February and emailing players in the top 1000 once the season concludes," Wizards of the Coast wrote. "Note that your listed in-game ranking may not be accurately reflected in your displayed ranking, as the ranking system considers games played by other players that may not be visible moment-by-moment in what is displayed for any given player. All rankings will be final as of noon PT on Thursday, February 28."

"Then, by Monday, March 4, we will email final, certified rankings to every player in the top 1,000. We'll also contact the top 8 directly for more information," Wizards explained. "The top 8 will receive hotel and airfare accommodations for themselves and a four-day PAX East badge for themselves and one guest."

The tournament will feature double-elimination play through all days of the tournament (including Sunday) using a brand-new format we're calling Duo Standard.

The Mythic Invitational will also feature a unique format: Duo Standard, in which players will submit two Standard–legal decks. Players will not sideboard between games, though they may submit a sideboard (for spells such as Mastermind's Acquisition). Competitors can submit two different decks, two of the same archetype with different cards in both, or the exact same deck twice.

Matches will be conducted this way:

Game 1
Which deck each player plays and who goes first will be determined randomly.
Game 2
In the second game, players will use the deck that they didn't play in Game 1.
The player who went second in Game 1 now goes first.
Game 3 (if necessary)
Each player selects one of their two Standard decks to play for the third game.
Then the player who goes first in this game is determined at random.

Here's the list of the 56 players that will compete in the Mythic Invitational:

Magic Pro League
Alexander Hayne (Hayne)
Andrea Mengucci (Mengu09)
Andrew Cuneo (Gainsay)
Ben Stark (BenS)
Brad Nelson (FFfeak)
Brian Braun-Duin (BBD)
Carlos Romão (CarlosRomao)
Christian Hauck (chauckster)
Eric Froehlich (Efro)
Gerry Thompson (GerryT)
Grzegorz Kowalski (Urlich)
Javier Dominguez (Thalai)
Jean-Emmanuel Depraz (JiRock)
John Rolf (Jrolfmtg)
Ken Yukuhiro (deathsnow)
Lee Shi Tian (leearson)
Lucas Esper Berthoud (bertu)
Luis Salvatto (LuisSalvatto)
Márcio Carvalho (Kbol_)
Martin Juza (MartinJuza)
Matt Nass (matthewlnass)
Mike Sigrist (siggy)
Owen Turtenwald (OwenTurtenwald)
Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa (PVDDR)
Piotr Głogowski (kanister)
Reid Duke (reiderrabbit)
Seth Manfield (egdirb)
Shahar Shenhar (Shahar)
Shota Yasooka (yaya3)
William Jensen (Huey)
Yuuya Watanabe (beena)
Andrew Elenbogen (Aje8)
Jason Chan (amaz)
Amy Demicco (Amyzonian)
Audrey Zoschak (AnnaMae)
Autumn Burchett (AutumnLilyMTG)
Cedric Phillips (Celldweller)
Gaby Spartz (GabySpartz)
Jessica Estephan (Jessica)_
Luca Van Deun (Legend)
Luis Scott-Vargas (LSV)
Maria Fernanda Quintero Solano (MaferMTG)
Connagh Hawkins (Merchant)
Brittany Hamilton (MTGNerdGirl)
Ashley Espinoza (Muffinpastrypie)
Kenji Egashira (Nummy)
Sheila Weidman (Pterodactylsftw)
Janne Mikkonen (savjz)
Jeffrey Brusi (Sjow)
Allison Maino (Skybilz)
David Nguyen (TheAsianAvenger)
Thijs Molendijk (Thijsss)
Matthew Moreno (Thundermo)
Jamie Rigatti (Topples)
Wyatt Darby (wd40rocks)
Gabriel Nassif (Yellowhat)

The initial rounds of the Mythic Invitational will start at 9 a.m. ET (6 a.m. PT) Thursday through Saturday and will be streamed on

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