Hawkeye Director Compares Kingpin Secret to Harry Potter's Voldemort

It's not difficult to compare Kingpin to Voldemort. After all, they are both villains with bald heads and evil intentions. However, there is another reason why the cast and crew of Hawkeye were comparing Wilson Fisk to the Harry Potter character. Not surprisingly, it had a lot to do with making sure Vincent D'onofrio's appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe show would remain a secret.

Kingpin officially returned in the final episode of Hawkeye where his connection to Eleanor Bishop was revealed. It was only a few minutes of screentime but director Rhys Thomas admitted to Collider that it was difficult to keep the cameo under wraps. To ensure this, the cast and crew took special care not to refer to Vincent D'onofrio by name.

"It was really hard. It was really hard. It was almost a policy of never mentioning him by name. He became the Voldemort of us," Thomas said. He then revealed that the similarity didn't end with an unmentionable name.

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"He would arrive in a Voldemort-like cloak, he'd walk between his trailer and set covered in this thing and everything was closed," Thomas shared. "It was one of those things too where they were so on top of keeping it secret. Again, it is done for the fans, because it's going to be so much more impactful if no one sees this coming."

We can't really blame them for taking extra measures to keep everything a secret. Although fans suspected that Kingpin will appear in Hawkeye, it was still a great surprise when all those speculations were confirmed. Hopefully, we'll get to see more of Voldemort Kingpin in the future. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.

All episodes of Hawkeye are now streaming on Disney+.

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