Tom Felton, aka the actor who played Draco Malfoy for the Harry Potter franchise, was promoting his new memoir, Beyond the Wand, when he suddenly decided to share a behind-the-scenes experience that actor Alan Rickman, or Professor Snape, swore at him during their take.
The actor reveals that he accidentally stepped on Rickman’s cloak one too many times, which led Rickman to turn to him and say, “Don’t step on my f—ing cloak.” Felton reiterates that Rickman’s cloak was fastened around his neck, which probably choked him every time his cloak had been stepped on. Felton continues on recalling Rickman giving him ‘a look like you never ever want to see.’
The actor admitted he ‘sort of giggled’ along with the Death Eaters actors who looked at each other as if to ask if Rickman was joking. The cast were quick to pick up that he was, in fact, not joking.
On the next take, Felton was asked by the director to walk as close as he possibly could to Alan.
“We got about halfway down the great hall before [choking sound]. You have to bear in mind his cloak is attached around his neck. Nearly killed the poor man. He turned around and gave me a look like you never ever want to see. Very luckily, the next take, someone else stepped on his cloak. So that kinda took the heat away from me. But I’ll never forget the words ‘Don’t step on my f—ing cloak.’”
Alan Rickman is known to portray Snape in the Harry Potter films a bit too accurately with his demeaning looks when in character, but never fails to compensate in between takes by bonding with them. He had fulfilled Snape’s role since the first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, after all. He was so dedicated to the story that he talked with the author about the background story of the character, as well as the twist of the last film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
Also Read: Harry Potter: Alan Rickman's Diaries Reveal Why He Continued Playing Snape