Two years after the second season aired, Harley Quinn is set to make its return for its third outing this late summer which will deal with the aftermath of the blossoming relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy that happened at the end of the second season. As we're patiently waiting for the next season, we now have some of the details regarding what we should expect on their return.
Harley Quinn co-executive producer Jennifer Coyle revealed some brand new information regarding the upcoming third season of Harley Quinn during a panel at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. According to Variety, she promised that the season will have new characters, “twists and turns” and “take audiences to places and show things you don’t see anywhere else."
In addition, according to a live tweet from Twitter user @MidouMir, Coyle also shared that the season will have Harley and Ivy on their "Eat-Kill-Bang Tour," appearances from Swamp Thing and the Court of Owls, and a reference to Batman: The Animated Series and its iconic thunder scene with Harley as Robin.
Based on the information, it looks like the season is going to be bonkers yet again and will continue the tone that they have since the beginning. It also looks like they will be introducing more DC characters and it is interesting to see how someone like Swamp Thing and the Court of Owls will be involved in their shenanigans.
While most of the plot details are still under wraps, there are already enough reasons to be excited for the next season, especially with the exploration that they will do on Harley and Ivy's relationship. Fortunately, we don't need to wait any longer to find out what they have in store for the upcoming installment.
Also Read: Harley Quinn: Kite Man Spinoff Series Officially Moving Forward at HBO Max
The third season of Harley Quinn will premiere later this summer on HBO Max.