Harley Quinn Gets a Shocking New Look in DC's Dark Knights: Death Metal

She may have changed her look a number of times but Harley Quinn will always be one of the most recognizable characters from DC Comics. Whether she's rocking the clown makeup and classic outfit from Batman: The Animated Outfit, going for sex appeal in Suicide Squad, or just being herself in Birds of Prey, fans will always know what she looks like to a certain degree.

It seems like Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo want to mess with what you know of her as Dark Knights: Death Metal will give us Harley's most radical makeover yet. Our first look at Harley comes from a gorgeous variant cover for Dark Knights: Metal #2 from Stanley "Artgerm" Lau, which reveals a short-haired version of the character, alongside a giant hyena companion.

While no longer rocking pigtails and blonde hair, there is still plenty of semblance to the character. For one thing, her short hair is red and black, similar to her initial New 52 hair color, which also matches her classic outfit. Speaking of her classic costume, her new attire still has the same color scheme and can be seen as a big improvement when compared to any of her revealing clothes in recent years.

As a longtime fan of comic books, I wouldn't be surprised if DC compromises with all Harley's fans and mixes up this look with some of her previous ones. My guess would be keeping her long hair and a slightly altered version of this costume. Unfortunately, I'm expecting cleavage because comic book fans can be pervs but I hope to be proven wrong.

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Credit: DC Comics

Dark Knights: Death Metal #1 will be launching this May, while Dark Knights: Death Metal #2 comes out in June. Will you guys be picking this up? Do you want her to keep this look? Let us know in the comments below.

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