DC Comics Fires Controversial Long-Time Publisher Dan DiDio

Beloved/hated DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio has been fired from the comic book company a few days ago and fans are still reeling over the news. Many have offered their thoughts on Dan leaving, with some happy that he won't be haunting characters he supposedly hated like Wally West, Dick Grayson, and Donna Troy, while others, mostly comic book creators, are bummed that someone so passionate about the medium was fired in such a quick and unprofessional manner.

Rich Johnston from Bleeding Cool dropped the news before other websites picked up his slack. Apparently, Dan DiDio was fired by Warner Bros due to "fostering a poor work environment," which led to a number of editors departing the publisher. This means that Jim Lee is the sole publisher, as of this writing, and it will be interesting to see if he will handle things solo from now on or if they will replace DiDio with someone else.

Fans have been theorizing over who could replace the controversial DiDio, from Dark Knights: Death Metal scribe Scott Snyder, to Geoff Johns, and other people who, simply put, love comic books. Many of us are dreading that Warner Bros will replace DiDio with a corporate stooge that doesn't care about the medium and there are even reports that DC might end up hiring writers in Hollywood to pen comic books.

I can't wait for those month-long delays between issues, which has always been the case with these kinds of writers. We hate to be mean here but the Abrams' Spider-Man series is only five issues and issues 4 and 5 keep getting delayed. Please, for the love of God, keep hiring comic book writers.

Say what you will about Dan DiDio but the man loved DC Comics. We wish him all the best.

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