Gushing Over Magical Girls takes over the Winter 2024 anime season with its interesting take on the magical girl anime genre. Instead of the usual magical girl MC, Gushing Over Magical Girls features villains as the main protagonists!
The first episode of the anime even revealed how villains are made!
Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers from the Gushing Over Magical Girls anime.
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Who Are the Villains in Gushing Over Magical Girls?
In the first episode of Gushing Over Magical Girls, three magical girls, collectively known as Tres Magia, were fighting a demon-like creature that is said to belong to the evil organization Enormita (Enormeeta).
The evil organization exists to rule and conquer the world, and it is Tres Magia’s duty to prevent it from happening at all costs.
Moreover, the evil organization has a mascot named Venalita, whom Utena Hiiragi initially thought was a cute mascot character who can give girls magical powers to fight evil forces for love and justice, just like the Tres Magia.
However, Venalita is the complete opposite. Instead of giving magical girl powers, Venalita gave Utena Hiiragi evil powers to antagonize the Tres Magia.
Utena was hesitant at first, given her sexy demon-like outfit, in addition to fighting her idols, but she eventually gave in to Venalita’s coercion.
As Magia Baiser, Utena wields a special weapon called Frustino Dominanze, which can create monsters she can control.
Just one whip can turn a beautiful flower into a monstrous flower! Utena only has to say the word, and her monsters can torment the magical girls.
Ironically, Utena idolizes Tres Magia, but she feels happy that she can hurt them. Venalita, on the other hand, clarifies that Utena’s love for the magical girls is actually a twisted delight from watching them suffer.
In fact, Venalita even concludes that Utena is a real sadist underneath her awkward, magical girl-loving exterior.
Gushing Over Magical Girls Reveals How Villains Are Made
The mascot of the evil organization, Venalita, gave us some of the factors to consider in creating a new villain.
In Utena’s case, Venalita followed her around for days and weeks. The mascot did in-depth research on Utena, including her family, friends, and classmates.
Venalita discovers that Utena is the perfect candidate to be the next evil villain because of the following factors:
- Hiiragi Utena is an incredibly average girl with average grades.
- Hiiragi Utena spends her time in class doodling magical girls.
- Hiiragi Utena is average at sports.
- Most people in her class forget that Hiiragi Utena is even there.
- Hiiragi Utena is crazy about anything to do with magical girls.
- Hiiragi Utena blows her monthly allowance on magical girl merchandise.
In Venalita’s eyes, Utena checks all the boxes for a perfect villain.
All of these factors seem like a joke to normal people, but for the evil organization, Utena has what it takes to be the next villain capable of leading its forces to rule the world.
True enough, Utena has a twisted personality, which Venalita expected to emerge the moment she transformed into Magia Baiser.
It seems like Utena only needed a push to become the villain for her beloved magical girls.
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