The Marvel Cinematic Universe's third Guardians of the Galaxy film has been the subject of various rumors and speculations over the last couple of months and according to reports, the long-awaited sequel will see an appearance from an actor who previously starred in a DC Extended Universe flick.
Now, director James Gunn, who claims he'll be exiting the MCU after Vol. 3 is finally breaking his silence amidst all the hearsay to confirm that The Suicide Squad actress Daniela Melchoir has officially been cast in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
In a post shared across his official social media pages, the Marvel and DC director captioned: "Yes, the rumors are true: @danielamelchior is in #GotGVol3. This is hopefully the second of many times I’ll work with Daniela, who is great in this as she was in #TheSuicideSquad & will be, I’m sure, in Fast & Furious."
Also Read: James Gunn Disappoints Fans with Latest Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Update
Of course, this no longer comes as a surprise considering Gunn loves collaborating with his actors on various projects. In fact, when he was working on The Suicide Squad, he enlisted several actors from the Guardians of The Galaxy franchise to appear in the DCEU flick. The question is, what role will Daniela play in GOTG Vol. 3? Will it be a hefty one or just a cameo? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is currently slated to hit cinemas on May 5, 2023.