Based on George R.R. Martin’s long-running fantasy novel series, Game of Thrones had been a sensational phenomenon since it graced HBO with its television debut back in 2011 that ran for 8 seasons up until 2019. Upon its well-earned success, Martin’s series managed to grab a series prequel, House of the Dragon, working under the same network, HBO. Charles Dance, who previously played Tywin Lannister on the original series, weighs in on how the series would have failed if it had been produced elsewhere.
“I had no idea where [Game of Thrones] was going to go.” Dance admitted in a recent interview with The Guardian, “None of us had any idea that it was going to be the most successful television series ever made. Especially as the pilot wasn’t great. If it had been made by the BBC, they would have pulled the plug.”
Dance continued on to emphasize how HBO was the only network who made Game of Thrones a triumphant endeavor: “[But] Sky and HBO nursed it, and we began to be aware that we were dealing with a pretty class act. I still had no idea that it would become this charming monster.”
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Game of Thrones Star Admits Show’s Intimate Scenes Are Way Out of Line
In spite of its many controversies of having way too many graphic and mature scenes across the episodes, Game of Thrones would have indeed looked different if a non-R-Rated friendly network would have picked up the show, instead. While the intimate scenes were pointed out to be “way out of line” by one of its Game of Thrones stars, it can’t be denied that its raw episodes are one of the many reasons the series is set apart from many medieval stories on television.
Not to mention, as the title suggests, the political play at hand and the wit of each and every character we are introduced to had certainly intrigued fans and audiences who have yet to even read the books. The same network managed to produce House of the Dragon afterwards, didn't it?
Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are available to stream on HBO. You can check out more updates on House of the Dragon Season 2 here.