The Season 7 finale of Game of Thrones left fans with a lot of questions thanks to the odd sex scene between Daenerys (played by Emilia Clarke) and Jon Snow (Kit Harington). Fans are wondering how their incestuous relationship will develop in the final season next year.
During a post-Emmy nomination interview, Game of Thrones directors Alan Taylor and Jeremy Podeswa talked to The Hollywood Reporter about some of the seventh's season's most interesting moments. Of course, the strange sex between auntie Daenerys and nephew Jon Snow came up.
"For us, it was very important that there be a question about what could possibly happen after this moment," Podewa said.
As you've seen in the finale, the scene where they're love-making is intercut with the scene when Sam realizes that they're related. It's an epic revelation about the past, and that's suggestive of the future," Podeswa explained.
"In the script, it described the fact that they were lovemaking, but it didn't go into great detail in terms of what was going on between them in that moment," Podeswa said. "We built in a moment between Kit [Harington] and Emilia [Clarke] where they stopped and looked into each other's eyes. The intention from my point of view, and their point of view, too, is that they're driven by passion into this. They don't even fully understand what it's all about and what the consequences of it are."
Of course, we still don't know what this means either but since this is a show known for its tragic weddings and brutal betrayals, it probably won't end happily.
Game of Thrones is set to premiere next year.
Read more: George R.R. Martin Reveals How Lord Of The Rings Inspired All Those Game Of Thrones Deaths