Many people have been inspired by The Lord of the Rings. Unfortunately, the first book of J.R.R. Tolkien's series is also the reason why George R.R. Martin has no problem killing off important characters in his own novel A Game of Thrones.
It's no secret that Martin is a huge fan of Tolkien and has somehow patterned his book series A Song of Ice and Fire after The Lord of the Rings. The author was recently featured in The Great American Read where he admitted that Gandalf's death in The Fellowship of the Ring inspired him to be ruthless with the characters he created.
"I can't explain the impact that had on me at 13. You can't kill Gandalf. I mean, Conan didn't die in the Conan books, you know? Tolkien just broke that rule, and I'll love him forever for it. The minute you kill Gandalf, the suspense of everything that follows is a thousand times greater because now anybody could die. Of course, that's had a profound on my own willingness to kill characters off at the drop of a hat."
This should explain why Martin chose to raise everybody's expectations about Ned Stark in A Game of Thrones. Although the Lord of Winterfell was set to become a great leader with good morals, Ned is unceremoniously killed off in the book.
Ned's death somehow mirrors Gandalf's fate in The Fellowship of the Ring. Although the wizard later returns as Gandalf the White in The Two Towers, it is highly unlikely that Ned will enjoy a similar resurrection in A Song of Ice and Fire.
Game of Thrones Season 8 is expected to premiere on HBO in early 2018.
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