Former Boba Fett Director Weighs in on Star Wars Filmmakers' Frequent Exits

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Chronicle director Josh Trank was previously revealed to be developing a Star Wars spinoff movie, only to exit from the project a year later. Following Trank's exit are a number of filmmaker departures from Star Wars projects, including Phil Lord and Chris Miller leaving Solo, Colin Trevorrow from Star Wars: Episode IX, and David Benioff and D.B. Weiss' exit from their movies. This seems to have been a common thing now, with every project having some apprehensions.

"It was pretty much obvious I was going to be fired," Trank told "So that was my option, was you could leave now or get shot in the face, right?" The director recalled being sent an article about the directors' exit, asking him if it makes him feel a lot better. However, it made him feel quite the opposite, wanting to see what Lord and Miller could have done with the Solo film.

"I'm still a fan at the end of the day, and I know that it would make sense for me to have some sort of alleviation," Trank added. "And that's not in any way, shape, or form to rub my nose at the question because it's a great question. My answer is ... it's complicated."

Trank pointed out it doesn't make him "feel good" to know that something didn't work out for people he has "tremendous respect for." "I'm a fan of Star Wars. I would love for those movies to work and to be great," he added. "But as far as it relates to Star Wars, it doesn't give me any pleasure or relief whatsoever to know that something didn't work out." This is because Trank this it could serve as something that reminds you of other things that didn't work out, "and that sucks."

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