While a lot of people are excited for Tom Holland to come back as Spider-Man, he's doing another blockbuster for Sony called Uncharted where he plays adventurer Nathan Drake. While we know that Holland has been shooting the film for a while, we just now have a look at him in character.
Check it out:
While he doesn't really have Drake's haircut from the games, that outfit looks a lot like Drake's costume from the first game. Admittedly, Drake doesn't really have any memorable outfits, but I guess this is a great callback to Drake's Fortune.
Looking at the background though, it looks like Holland is standing on a broken down pirate ship. While Drake has a penchant for visiting old ruins, the damage on that ship looks fresh, and I have no doubt we're going to be watching Holland run and swing his way out of danger.
Besides Holland, the movie also features Mark Wahlberg playing the part of Sully. We don't have a look at him yet, but I have a feeling that's not too far behind. Since this adventure will deal with Drake in his youth, I'm curious if we're also going to meet Nate's brother Samuel Drake in the film. While it's possible they could be saving him for a follow-up movie, I think they should establish him already if they're going to be following the canon of the games; and that's a big if.
Uncharted the movie is set to come out on July 16, 2021.
Read Also: Tom Holland Says Uncharted Production is ‘Everything I Dreamed it Would Be'