Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Might Have Voice Acting

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered might not have the most hype around it right now but there are still a lot of fans pretty excited for it. The fact that Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX got remastered versions before this game was a confusing point for many since a lot of gamers still hold Final Fantasy VIII in high regard. It turns out that Square Enix is putting more effort than usual with this remaster, even adding more visual flair to the character models.

However, Square Enix may have gone above and beyond for this remaster as fans who have been messing with the official game's website have found something interesting. While messing with the site's source code, it was revealed that Final Fantasy VIII Remastered will have English and Japanese voice-overs. That's crazy.

When you consider the fact that the remasters for Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX didn't have voice acting, this is a pretty big deal. This shows that the remastered game is going to be worth it for those that have and haven't played the JRPG before. Seriously, the amount of work put into the improved character models would have been enough for some but they decided to do a bit more.

Thanks, Square Enix.

As of this writing, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered doesn't have a release date. The game will be coming to PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC this year.

Via DSO Gaming

Read:Why Final Fantasy VIII Took So Long to Remaster