The Final Fantasy VII Remake made a surprise appearance during Sony's most recent State of Play, with a new gameplay trailer and promises of more information in June. Since we have been waiting years for new information, many considered this a godsend so you can see why every gamer under the sun is hyped up for this remake.
As we wait a few more weeks for the new information, which will likely come in E3, a rumor from Reddit has gotten fans even more excited. Fans should take this with a grain of salt since all of this might not happen but there's nothing wrong with speculating reports since some Reddit leaks have actually come true.
If this rumor is true, we will be getting a demo of this remake sometime after E3. That would be huge and fans will rush to that faster than The Flash wrecking time. Recent Final Fantasy games have had demos, like Final Fantasy XV, and we can only hope that this game gets one as well.
Final Fantasy VII Remake is coming to the PS4 and is expected to be an episodic game. No one knows how many episodes there will be, with some fans expecting three due to the number of discs that the original Final Fantasy VII had. No release date has been announced but expect something about that in June.