With the PlayStation 5 set to launch later this year, Sony is going for a big rebrand of the PlayStation label. Just in, they've unveiled the opening animation for PlayStation Studios, and fans are comparing it to the one for Marvel Studios.
Check it out:
Apparently this PlayStation Studios brand is going to feature with games that will be developed by Sony, and it's possible that it will feature with all the upcoming exclusives. Just looking at the animation, we get cameos from games like Uncharted, God of War, Ratchet & Clank, Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, and LittleBigPlanet.
Of course, some fans online have immediately been comparing it to another opening animation of a huge franchise:
But apparently, it's a reuse of the animation for PlayStation Originals:
Sony Interactive Entertainment's Senior VP of Global Marketing Eric Lempel also had this to say about the rebrand:
"We have been thinking about how we unite all of these great games under one brand, and really the purpose of that is to make the consumer understand that, when they see this brand, they're getting ready for a robust, innovative, deep experience that they've come to expect from games coming from PlayStation. So we came up with PlayStation Studios."
While we should expect this to appear before games, I have a feeling Sony will also be using this animation for their upcoming films. There have been talks of PlayStation coming up with its own movie division, and I won't be surprised if it started with the upcoming Uncharted movie starring Tom Holland.
For now, this looks to be a build-up to an even bigger announcement by Sony. We'll just have to wait and see where this goes.
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