Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy previously revealed that the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ show will be a limited series. Set to reprise his role as the Jedi Master, Ewan McGregor confirms this in a recent interview in addition to giving some updates on the highly-anticipated series.
"Spring next year we start," McGregor revealed to Entertainment Tonight. "I'm really excited about it. It's gonna be great, I think."
As far as the actor knows or is allowed to share, there are no plans to continue Obi-Wan's story beyond one season. Well, at least not yet. "As I understand, it's a standalone season," McGregor said. "We'll see. Who knows?"
Most details about the upcoming series are kept under wraps so the show is basically shrouded in mystery, aside from the fact that cameras start rolling on the project in the spring of next year. The Kenobi series is yet to have a release date or release window and even an official title.
Earlier this year, McGregor addressed the rumors on the show being put on hold as the scripts get reworked. The actor pointed out that the scripts are "excellent" and that they just "want them to be better." Fans have nothing to worry about and though it would seem like it's a big deal online, McGregor says it's not "very dramatic."
What are you looking forward to the most in the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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