The Eternals trailer was recently released causing a buzz among Marvel fans. The new trailer has retconned the design of Captain America's original shield. Marvel has finally introduced the viewers to the MCU's next group of superheroes. Marvel always believed when it comes to the power of lesser-known brands.
Marvel Studios has always been a believer in the power of getting lesser-known brands more famous. Jack Kirby's Eternals was not a big mover in the comics industry. However, artist Esad Ribic and writer Kieron Giller are working on the relaunch of Eternals comics.
The trailer has shown the Eternals as ancient aliens who went to Earth, helping the human civilization progress to where it is today. These ancient beings are tied to certain events in history. The trailer showed how the Eternals interacted with ancient Mesopotamia which is known as the Cradle of Civilization. The Eternals have become less active in more recent years. In fact, fans are wondering why they were not involved in the battle against Thanos.
One Twitter user, Ninaa Maximoff, pointed out Captain America's shield. It is unclear whether it is the original one or a replica. However, the Captain America shot was after Sprite was performing on a plane, which may be a plane belonging to Kingo, an Eternal who became a Bollywood star. The shield might be used in Kingo's Bollywood act.
It is unclear whether it is an original or a replica. The trailer revealed that the Eternals may have collected mementos and artifacts from history. The Eternals may have been involved in Captain America's origins. This may also explain why they referred to him as Captain Rogers.
If proven true, it would mean that the Eternals were guiding humanity during the Second World War by ensuring that the Allies defeated the Nazis.
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