Eternals Director Says That Her Choices For the Film is a Big Risk For Marvel

Kevin Feige has previously revealed that he was impressed with the pitch made by the director of Eternals. In fact, the pitch was so good that he said it was the best pitch he had ever seen. It seems like Feige is not only impressed but also is willing to take a big risk.

Eternals director Chloe Zhao explained in an interview with SiriusXM's Jess Cagle how Marvel took a major risk with her vision. Zhao revealed that the studio took risks with the film by allowing her to bring in some independent filmmaking into the production of the upcoming MCU film.

The risk that Zhao was talking about was about letting her shoot on location while using wide-angle lenses. Chloe said that this "big risk" will surprise fans, adding that she hopes it will really meet the expectations.

The risks were not just about the tone but also the technical aspects of the film creation. As an example, Zhao brought her own unique style in the making of the big-budget MCU project. She recognizes that those choices may have consequences.

For Zhao, she believes that where Marvel took a major risk was when they wanted to shoot on location. Using wide-angle lenses on locations may have an effect on the visual effects of the project. Zhao said that it will affect the action scenes, which means there will be a lot of things that will look differently.

Most of the scenes on Eternals were shot on location. Nevertheless, Zhao said that she loves learning about technology since she grew up reading manga. For her, she can imagine stuff that does not exist around her, just like how a studio with a green screen needed.

The Eternals is set for a November 5, 2021 release date in the US.

The Eternals D23 Expo Panel Presentation & Interviews
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Credit: FilmIsNow Movie Bloopers & Extras

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