What Does the Number 559 Mean in The Eminence in Shadow?

The Eminence in Shadow 559
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The Eminence in Shadow 559
Credit: Nexus

In The Eminence in Shadow, 559 is just one of the number code names used for Shadow Garden members. But who is 559, exactly?

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The Eminence in Shadow: 559 Meaning Explained

The eminence in shadow who is 559
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The code name No. 559 refers to the 559th agent of the Shadow Garden, an organization founded by Cid Kagenou to fight the Cult of Diablos.

While the secret organization began with just seven members namely, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, and Eta, its influence now reaches far and wide.

As such, Shadow Garden now has over 600 agents, many of whom are known by their code names that help them operate incognito.

The Eminence in Shadow: Who Is 559?

Who Is Victoria in The Eminence in Shadow
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Behind the No. 559 code name hides a girl named Victoria, previously known as the Saint.

She's an elf, around 17 or 18 years of age, and she works closely with Zeta, one of the founding members of Shadow Garden.

As the Saint, Victoria was a leader of the Templars. She was known for her purity, kindness, and naivete, which earned her her nickname.

However, tragic events in her past, including demonic possession, caused her to change into a colder and harsher person, who is single-mindedly devoted to her goals and will lunge into battle, often without a plan.

That being said, she's still devoted to her cause, and to her fellow Shadow Garden members.

What Is Victoria's Role in the Anime?

559's role in the eminence in shadow
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In The Eminence in Shadow, Victoria meets with fellow Shadow Garden Agents No. 664, No. 665, and No. 666 to spy on those who support Perv Asshat.

Note that 666 is actually a code name for Princess Rose Oriana, who got in trouble for stabbing Perv Asshat (her fiance at the time) in Season 1 of the isekai anime.

When the four agents witness Queen Reina, Rose/666's mother, commit an act of treason and liaise with a cult leader, Victoria wishes to kill her, but Rose stops her.

This causes Victoria to declare 666 a traitor before attacking the cult leader. 666 is unwilling to attack her own mother and returns home with Reina, resuming her engagement to Perv Asshat.

Victoria 559 Role in Eminence in Shadow
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Victoria, aka 559, is rescued alongside 664 and 665 and she is the one to report Rose's decision to Cid, who is enraged, not so much about the betrayal, but mainly because this development doesn't fit his master plan.

So far, in Season 2 of The Eminence in Shadow, 559 is shown to be loyal to the Shadow Garden's cause and unwilling to tolerate betrayal.

While she only had a significant role in one episode, fans are eager to see more of her.

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