Apex Legends is currently one of the most popular multiplayer games out there, thanks to the fact that it's free-to-play and has some great production values. It really does the online shooter genre justice and is easily the second-most-popular multiplayer game out right now, next to the uber-popular Fortnite. Since EA wants this game to keep doing well, it's no surprise that the publisher wants to bring this title to mobile devices.
That's right, EA is interested in bringing this game to your iOS or Android phone, maybe even tablet. It's not just mobile players that EA wants to cater to since they also want to bring these games to China and South Korea. EA revealed these details during the company's quarterly earnings (via Tech Radar).
No official release date or mobile systems were revealed but it wouldn't be too surprising to see this game come to mobile devices this year. EA has to strike while the iron is hot, though it is worth noting that this shooter is a little more powerful than Fortnite, which looks perfectly fine on iOS and Android.
Fans interested in the title can get Apex Legends now if they have a gaming PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
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