EA Admits Underperformance in Latest Earnings Release

Ever since the disastrous launch of Star Wars Battlefront II, EA Games has been having the worst rep when it comes to gaming studios. As it turns out, the company apparently had a very difficult time last year, even with the release of Battlefield V.

In the official financial report of EA, CEO Andrew Wilson admits:

"Q3 was a difficult quarter for Electronic Arts and we did not perform to our expectations. We are now applying the strengths of our company to sharpen our execution and focus on delivering great new games and long-term live services for our players.

It was said that Battlefield V underperformed by underselling by a million copies. Some attribute this to the rushed release of the game, seeing that it only took two years to develop instead of the usual three. Some think it's a mistake that they decided to forgo the Battle Royale mode at launch.

As of now, the only game that remains a solid earner for EA are the FIFA titles. The company is also looking to pump out some more Plants vs. Zombies games plus Need for Speed. Not to mention later this year we're promised the release of Star Wars: Fallen Order.

For now, the games on the top of EA's list seem to be Apex Legends and Anthem, but it's still unclear if the success of those games will be able to take EA out of the dark. One thing's for sure, they better make themselves look good in front of the gaming community or their stock prices will just continue to drop.

Apex Legends is free to play on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Anthem comes out Feb. 22.

See Also: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Getting Gameplay Footage Soon