Star War Jedi: Fallen Order is a video game fans want to be excited by but aren't for a number of reasons. Does anyone remember when this game was announced? They had one of the people from EA announce that the game's title with little-to-no fanfare. It didn't help that the announcement was randomly made in an interview and not on-stage, plus the lack of footage only hindered matters.
Well, during the quarterly earnings call of EA, COO and CFO Blake Jorgensen revealed that gameplay footage would be coming soon. Apparently, we will be getting "glimpses" of the game and we will be impressed with what Respawn has been developing. Considering how Titanfall 2 was a surprisingly great shooter, we should probably give Respawn the benefit of the doubt.
Previous rumors claimed that Fallen Order would play similarly to The Force Unleashed series, which were hack-and-slash games in the same vein as God of War. The first one was considered a nice little action title with a good story and fun combat, while the second had incredible visuals but was criticized for being too short and too easy. The story also suffered because it felt rushed.
Hopefully, Fallen Order learns from the mistakes made in The Force Unleashed and EA's pre-launch plans for Battlefront II. The lack of any footage makes it hard to gauge this title's potential, especially with the number of mediocre Star Wars titles out there.
If you want a taste of EA Star Wars, you can get Star Wars Battlefront II right now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.