Toei Animation has released a new trailer for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero at Jump Festa 2021, giving fans a look at the next feature-length film for Akira Toriyama's shonen franchise. The new trailer confirms that Son Gohan will play a major role in the upcoming movie, alongside Piccolo, Krillin, and Pan.
As teased in the official poster, Gohan is back with his purple gi outfit, and it's clear that this film will give the son of Goku the chance to shine like he did back in the Cell Games. The trailer gives us a better idea about the movie's story as we get to see the return of the Red Ribbon Army as well as Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, the new android villains who claim themselves to be superheroes.
Watch the new trailer for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero here:
As you can see above, Gohan is also seen wearing an outfit reminiscent of the Namekian Piccolo, who helped train the young Z fighter in order to prepare for Dragon Ball Z's Saiyan Saga. It looks like Gohan will have a serious conflict with the Red Ribbon Army, who has big plans for world domination.
The trailer also highlights the movie's 3D animation that Toei Animation promised since the movie was revealed at San Diego Comic-Con at Home earlier this year. Of course, we also get to see Goku and Vegeta, but it looks like Gohan will have a more major role this time around.
Related: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero: First Action Figures Highlight The Stars of The Movie
The special Dragon Ball Super panel at Jump Festa also officially confirmed the release date of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, which is April 22, 2022. It's likely that the movie will be released in theaters globally shortly after its Japanese release date.
For more details about the upcoming anime movie, check out everything you need to know about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero here.