In just a few months, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will be released in theaters in Japan, introducing new powerful androids from the villainous Red Ribbon Army. While Goku and Vegeta are seemingly off-Earth, it's all up to Gohan, Pan, and Piccolo to defend the planet when the Red Ribbon Army returns in the shonen franchise. The new villains are called Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, and now, more details have been revealed in a recent interview with the film's executive producer.
During an interview with Nikkei Entertainment, executive Akio Iyoku, who's also an editor for V-Jump magazine, shared some new details about the new androids Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, who will play an important part in the return of the Red Ribbon Army. It was revealed that Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 won't be created by Dr. Gero, which is expected since the creator of Androids 16 through 18 and Cella has been dead for quite a while in the Dragon Ball universe. Instead, the villainous organization has hired a new scientist named Dr. Hedo, who seemingly is able to create new anrdoids that are more powerful than anything Gero had created.
Twitter user Herms98 also shared details from the magazine's interview, noting that he revealed that CG animation will be used to help bring the new villains to life, and Iyoku said that the new androids will primarily be fighting both Gohan and Piccolo, giving the defenders of Earth to showcase their power while Goku and Vegeta aren't around to protect the planet.
Related: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Producer Reveals One of Its Last-Minute Changes
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is set to release in Japanese theaters on April 22, 2022.
For more details about the highly-antiicipated anime film, check out everything you need to know about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero here.