Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Explains The Movie's Special CGI Animation

In just a few months, Dragon Ball Super anime will finally make a comeback with its latest feature film, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, which will feature Goku, Piccolo, and the other Z-Fighters battle the Red Ribbon Army and its two new androids, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. After Dragon Ball Super: Broly came out in theaters in 2018, the anime has kept quiet for a while, but a new movie is finally returning, and it comes with a special CGI makeover. Now, the movie's director has something to say about the film's new style.

During the anime's online panel about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, director Tetsuro Kodama did a brief Q&A session, and according to the filmmaker, the movie's CG animation came from their mission to innovate the shonen franchise created by Akira Toriyama.

"We also grew up right in the middle of the Shonen Jump 'Dragon Ball' generation and since then, the fandom has just gotten bigger and bigger to become this huge phenomenon. But we have a mission to break new ground and help cultivate new fans. So what type and style of animation would help to achieve that goal? That's where this project got started," he said.

"When it comes to this new style, the biggest thing that distinguishes it is the shadows. We took an approach to make them look like they're blurry or have a more gradual blend which gives a softer impression overall. That's one of the big differences," Kodama explained. "I also want to point out that characters in this film move a lot."

The team behind the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero clearly put a lot of thought into its CG animation, and it looks like fans will be mind-blown by film's innovative visuals never seen before in an anime movie. The latest clip featuring Piccolo's fight against Gamma 2 gave us a taste of what to expect. You can watch it here:

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is set to release in Japanese theaters on April 22, 2022. It was also announced that the movie is releasing in North American theaters this summer, and expect other regions to get official release dates soon. You can read more details about the upcoming anime movie here.

Are you excited to see Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero's CGI animation? Let us know what you think on our Anime Rocks My World page on Facebook or at my Twitter: @JakeVyper.