Dragon Ball Super: Broly is a perfect Dragon Ball movie, featuring fantastic backstory for the Saiyans, incredible animation, an intriguing soundtrack, and the best possible version of Broly. That's right, old Broly sucks and new Broly is awesome so if you don't think that way, you're entitled to your opinion since you bought a ticket to the movie.
Anyway, there are some interesting callbacks to Dragon Ball Z, including a quick cut of all the foes Goku has faced thus far and the moment he became a Super Saiyan. However, there is one subtle callback to one of the main enemy units from original Dragon Ball, the Red Ribbon Army.
Frieza, unsurprisingly, is trying to get the Dragon Balls so that he can have a wish granted. One of his lackeys asks if the villain wants immortality or a body that doesn't take damage, both of which the space tyrant denies. One of his older subordinates correctly guesses his wish, however; Frieza wants to be taller.
No joke, Frieza wants to use a magical wish-granting dragon to grow by five inches. When asked by his lackey why not grow taller, Frieza hilariously states that he wants it to look natural.
This is a hilarious scene and one that feels distinctly Akira Toriyama. It's also really similar to the wish Commander Red was going to make before he was killed by one of his soldiers for using a magical wish-granting dragon to fulfill a dumb request. We're not sure if this was done on purpose but it does make perfect sense for Frieza who, shockingly, has gone through a lot of development since Namek.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly might still be showing in cinemas.
Read:Dragon Ball Super: Broly Breaks UK and Ireland Box Office Records