Toyotarou, the Dragon Ball Super mangaka who is continuing the popular shonen series created by Akira Toriyama, is set to have interview later this month to dive into the details of Granolah the Survivor arc.
If you're not familiar with how Toyatorou became the chosen successor of Akira Toriyama, the mangaka has drawn Dragon Ball ever since he was young, and he originally started creating fan manga chapters for Dragon Ball AF, the unoffiicial spin-off that featured new characters and stories set in Toriyama's world. Shueisha hired Toyatarou to be the official artist of Dragon Ball Super in 2012, and as of the Universal Survival Saga, Toyatarou has become a character designer for the series, including the villain Moro.
Over on Twitter, user DBS Chronicles has shared an early look at Toyatarou's' upcoming interview videos, which will delve into the details about the Granolah the Survivor Arc, the current storyline that features a newly-introduced warrior and the lone Cerealian survor, Granolah.
The interview videos will be released on August 9 and 16, just before the release of Dragon Ball Super Chapter 75, which will feature Vegeta in his new God of Destruction form going against Granolah. It's likely that Toyataro will also discuss the story behind Granolah's character design, and hopefully, we get an early preview of the upcoming chapter during his interviews.
Related:What Dragon Ball Super Movie's "Super Hero" Title Could Mean (Will the Great Saiyaman Return?)
Shueisha continues to release new chapters of Dragon Ball Super every month even though the anime series is still in hiatus. However, it's likely that new episodes will be released in the near future. The title of the upcoming movie, Dragon Ball Super: Super Herowas just announcedat San Diego Comic-Con last month.