Dragon Ball Fans Are Arguing On Whether Today is Goku Day or Piccolo Day

May 9 is a huge day for Dragon Ball fans since it has officially been declared Goku Day. Why? Well, according to a tweet from Bandai Namco, five in Japanese is "Go" and nine is "Kyuu" or "Ku," so since May is the fifth month and today is May 9, many have dubbed this as Goku Day. A lot of people are sharing their love for the overpowered protagonist today but some fans are arguing that today should be Piccolo Day.

Why would it be Piccolo Day? Well, in a classic episode of Dragon Ball, Demon King Piccolo had just taken over the world and Goku was nowhere to be found. The villain did a number of monstrous things, like hosting a lottery to see what city would be destroyed and letting every criminal out of their prison cells. Yikes.

However, he also declared May 9 "Piccolo Day," which might have been an in-joke but it's something that anime and Dragon Ball fans have taken to heart.

Anyway, enjoy some great Goku art and decide for yourself if today should be Goku Day or Piccolo Day.

Can we all at least agree that Dragon Ball is awesome? I mean, yeah it's flawed of the wazoo with numerous deus ex machinas hampering plenty of arcs, especially in Super, but it has so many great characters and memorable moments that can't be compared.

So Dragon Ball fans, is today Goku Day? Or Piccolo Day?

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