Toei Animation
Dragon Ball Super: Broly is now available for fans to watch at the comfort of their homes, and Funimation is the U.S. distributor for the critically-acclaimed anime film. Fans who are looking for something extra in their copy should check out what Walmart has to offer.
Funimation has confirmed that Walmart is getting an exclusive edition of Dragon Ball Super: Broly. The special Blu-ray has a special lenticular cover you won't find anywhere else.
"Did you know? The Walmart exclusive for Dragon Ball Super: Broly has a lenticular cover," Funimation confirmed. "In-store only, so get yours while you can!"
The exclusive cover looks cool but some fans are having issues with the home release. According to reports, some said that Dragon Ball Super: Broly was tinted green but others believe it's just an issue with the TV settings.
Are you getting a Walmart exclusive copy of Dragon Ball Super: Broly?
Dragon Ball Super is available to stream on Amazon Video, Funimation, Crunchyroll, and VRV. It also currently airs its English dub on Adult Swim on Saturday nights. There are new manga chapters you can read on Viz Media.
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