In Reincarnated as a Sword, Fran stars as an adorable cat girl alongside her incredibly powerful master. Before their encounter, Fran was a victim of slavery, while her teacher died and got reincarnated as a sentient magical sword. So, does the sword ever return to human form in Reincarnated as a Sword?
Reincarnated as a Sword is an isekai anime that centers on Fran and her teacher, the reincarnated sword.
After agreeing to become the sword’s wielder, Fran embarks on an adventure to find the key to her evolution.
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Who Is the Sword in Reincarnated as a Sword?
The sword, also known as Fran's teacher or master, is the central protagonist in Reincarnated as a Sword.
Since the beginning of the story, the sword's name has remained unknown and unidentified neither in the real world nor in the isekai world.
The sword died in a car accident in the real world, which transported him to the isekai world, where the rules are similar to those applied in MMORPG games.
Unlike other isekai protagonists who reincarnated as a shield hero or slime in the new world, he became a sentient magical sword.
Not much is known about him other than the fact that he was a 30-year-old single-salary man who was obsessed with manga, anime, VRMMOs, and light novels.
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What Is the Sword’s Power in Reincarnated as a Sword?
In Reincarnated as a Sword, the sword is a highly skilled intelligence weapon that is unlike any other.
Notably, the sentient sword can use a variety of skills and abilities to aid its wielder in battle.
The sword can collect skills and abilities from the start by crushing the gems of monsters, beasts, and other creatures that it defeats.
After all, the sword's goal is to become the most powerful sword in the isekai world, allowing its wielder to rule the world.
With his external abilities, set skills, memory skills, and magic, the sword evolved into a very powerful weapon over time.
In terms of his external abilities, the sword can use Magic Power Conductivity to infuse magic into himself in order to defeat his ethereal opponents.
Most importantly, the sword can self-evolve, self-modify, self-repair, transform, self-recover, skill-share, and appraise, among other abilities.
The sword also has the ability to use telekinesis, sorcery, block appraisal, float, and the Principle of Falsehood, which allows him to see through other people's lies.
Besides that, the sword is capable of performing sword arts, space-time magic, dimensional magic, and other elemental and supernatural magic.
Lastly, the sword can also use poison, perception, information, nullification, control enhancement, and knowledge-related skills.
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Does the Sword Ever Return to Human Form in Reincarnated as a Sword?
Unfortunately, the sword never returns to its human form permanently.
However, the sword can temporarily transform back to its original human form by using one of its skills.
Among the many skills and abilities of the sword, the Doppelganger Synthesis SP allows him to create doppelgangers of his human form prior to becoming a sword.
While only temporary, the sword can generate at least five doppelgangers of himself that he can control via telekinesis.
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