Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro is a popular web manga series that tells a story about a 15-year-old girl and her senpai, who she likes bullying. It was serialized on November 1, 2017 and is still ongoing.
Nanashi, the creator of Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro, got her readers intrigued with the story’s light and fun plot. It takes readers back to their high school life and focuses on two different types of students: an introvert like senpai and an extrovert and bully like Nagatoro.
The exciting part is that Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro has an anime adaptation that was released this year. Although the show got some negative feedback from some anime fans, more anime lovers are still interested to stream the show.
Does Nagatoro Like Senpai and Why Does She Want Him All to Herself?
Just by looking at the synopsis of Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro, fans can easily get the idea that Nagatoro likes her senpai. Otherwise, why would she waste her time bullying him if not to get his attention, right?
Throughout the manga, a lot of scenes clearly show her affection towards senpai. One instance was when she helped him save the Art Club from disbanding. There were also some scenes wherein she would apologize for mocking her senpai and eventually defend him if needed.
Nagatoro has a unique way of expressing her feelings. She started with mocking him and making him cry and eventually, the series showed her helping him boost his self-confidence. She invited him to the beach and even play games at her house.
Of course, the most obvious sign that she likes her senpai was her being possessive of him. She didn’t like it when her friends bully him and refer to him as her pet. The manga also supported this by having moments wherein Nagatoro was bored whenever she was with other boys but she seemed so happy whenever she was with senpai. Her friends also teased her and senpai, making the two blush.
Nagatoro’s interesting way to express her affection towards her senpai and his clueless reactions make the manga interesting. Readers will get hooked to find out what’s next in the hopes that the following chapter will eventually help the two main characters be together.
Since Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro is still ongoing, fans will have to wait to know if these two will be together or not. Let’s hope they do.