MF Ghost is the sequel to the beloved racing anime Initial D. It centers around Kanata Katagiri, a 19-year-old rookie racer who studied under the legendary downhill racer, Takumi Fujiwara. He joined in the fourth year of MFG, but does Kanata Katagiri win in MF Ghost?
Meet Kanata Katagiri: Takumi Fujiwara’s Tensai Student
Kanata Katagiri has the looks to die for, but his driving and racing skills will make anyone die of cardiac arrest in an instant.
It almost seems like he has a split personality, as Kanata looks adorable and kind outside of the race, but when he jumps into his car, he becomes a ruthless and competitive driver.
Originally from Cambridge, England, Kanata Katagiri studied at the prestigious Royal Donington Park Racing School (RDRS) under Takumi Fujiwara himself.
He has won a lot of titles even at such a young age, carving his way into competitive racing abroad.
At the age of 7, Kanata started participating in the British Kart Championships, and in two years, he was able to win six notable titles.
At the age of 10, Kanata entered the F4 Championship and snatched the title in just two years.
When Kanata completed the curriculum in RDRS, he finished with the best results in all aspects.
His overall score was the highest in RDRS history. His ability to set times on both real tracks and simulations was excellent.
Just like that, Kanata received a lot of attention and countless offers before he graduated. However, he rejected all offers and returned to his hometown to take care of Katherine, his dying mother.
After Katherine passed away, Kanata flew to Japan at 19 to find his missing father, Ken Katagiri. He comes up with a quick plan to gain his father’s attention: join the MFG, which has over 30 million subscribers.
MFG is a new motorsport series that has risen in Japan after high-powered sports cars have become endangered species due to environmental concerns and the increasing scarcity of fossil fuels.
Kanata joined the MFG in its fourth year, but he is not looking at racing in it to make money. He just wants to find his missing father and experience the thrill of racing in MFG.
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What Car Does Kanata Katagiri Use?
Kanata Katagiri (Rivington) rides a Toyota 86 GT (ZN6), which was passed down to him by Ogata of Ogata Automotive Ltd.
It was an old-fashioned three-pedaler, but Kanata didn’t have any problem with it. After all, Kanata believes the same thing as Takumi Fujiwara, which is not to find a powerful car but to find a less powerful one.
In addition, Kanata is used to driving H-pattern shifters with three pedals back at RDRS.
Throughout MFG's year-long race, the Toyota 86 has been adjusted and modified, especially its suspensions, except the engine, following Kanata’s preference to minimize its disadvantages.
Does Kanata Win in MF Ghost?
Kanata Katagiri has yet to win in MF Ghost. The race is in its fourth year, and so far, Kanata’s highest place is 2nd.
Kanata is expected to place first in the fifth round of MF Ghost, which will be held on Atami Ghost, defeating Beckenbauer and Sawatari.
During the MFG season opener at Odawara Pikes Peak, Kanata was able to land in 16th place out of 200 cars full with more horsepower than his Toyota 86.
He was able to move into the 15th place after one of the Godly Fifteens breached the MFG’s regulation.
Interestingly, Kanata’s qualifying was even marked with an attention flag, which only happens to those racers with impressive driving skills who are capable of breaking records set by other highly capable drivers.
On Odawara Pikes Peak, Kanata placed 9th out of 15 racers.
In the Ashinoko GT, Kanata placed fourth; in the Peninsula Manazuru, Kanata placed second; and in the fourth round held in Seaside Double Lane, Kanata placed second as well, giving him a total of 29.5 points.
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