Does Bumpy die in Jurassic World: Chaos Theory? The animated series recently aired on Netflix, and the fan-favorite dinosaur seemingly dies in episode 9 titled Into the Fog. Did that truly happen or is there more to it than meets the eye?
Bumpy, an Ankylosaurus, is one of the main dino protagonists in Camp Cretaceous. The dino reprises her role in Chaos Theory after being moved to Sammy's ranch in Texas. Here's what happened to her.
Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, so proceed with caution.
Jurassic World: Chaos Theory Ep 9 Seemingly Kills off Beloved Dinosaur
When Sammy (played by Raini Rodriguez), Ben (Sean Giambrone), Kenji (Darren Barnet), Yasmina (Kausar Mohammed), and Darius (Paul-Mikél Williams) finally located where Bumpy was caged, they noticed how she could barely stand in her position.
While Ben surmised that she may have eaten something poisonous, and Sammy guessed Bumpy may have picked up a virus, the dinosaur moved its tail, as though to signal to the two humans what was going on.
Sammy was the first to realize that something was wrong. Thanks to that, Ben concludes a similar theory. So, what happened to Bumpy in Chaos Theory?
Does Bumpy Die in Jurassic World?
The fact that Sammy and Ben were quick to look "under Bumpy's tail" should have been enough of a clue that the dino had been pregnant this whole time.
Bumpy ends up having laid an egg, which Sammy and Ben show to the group.
When the two introduced the egg Bumpy laid, Sammy stated that it was "not quite like helping one of my chickens lay an egg, but Bumpy's okay. This little one was just a bit stuck."
This confirms that Bumpy was okay even after laying her egg.
As for how the Ankylosaurus got pregnant, according to Sammy, during the times Bumpy "escaped the ranch", the dino may have been "hanging out in the fields with Mr. Rightosaurus."
Bumpy miraculously survived! Shocked at the revelation? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Meanwhile, all episodes of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory are available to stream on Netflix.
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