The long-awaited Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has finally premiered in theaters. Helmed by critically-acclaimed director Sam Raimi, the Doctor Strange sequel is currently dominating the box office grossing $185 domestically and $265 million internationally which brings its worldwide total to an impressive $450 million.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness follows Cumberbatch’s’ titular hero as he navigates his way through the chaos of the multiverse, which is surprisingly caused by Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch. Doctor Strange then got entangled with America Chavez who's being hunted down by Scarlet Witch to absorb her ability to travel across different universes. Strange and Wong tries every trick to keep Chavez away from the ruthless villain, but the Scarlet Witch’s power persevered and eventually succeeded.
Amid the battle, Chavez accidentally opened up a portal to another universe, transporting herself and Doctor Strange. Now, this universe is the first-ever introduction to the Multiverse, which was revealed to be Earth 838, and the original MCU universe is called Earth 616.
Later on, the word ‘Incursions’ is mentioned, and of course, real Marvel fans got exhilarated by a reference that directly points to one of the greatest storylines in the history of Marvel Comics.
But What is an Incursion anyway?
An Incursion is a cataclysmic event where one universe collapses into the other, destroying both. First mentioned in 2015's 'New Avengers Vol. 3, this phenomenon has led to one of the biggest storylines in the Marvel Comics, the Secret Wars. Now, the only way to survive an Incursion is to destroy the other universe, which brings a very big conflict in our Marvel heroes, whether they will save the original universe or destroy the other.
In the film’s post-credits scene, a mysterious female sorcerer in a purple get-up played by Charlize Theron appeared and says, "You caused an incursion and we’re going to fix it.”
Using a blade, she cuts a hole in reality, opening up a portal to a dimension that appears to be the Dark Dimension, where Doctor Strange played mind games with Dormammu in the first film.
Now, it’s an obvious hint that this Incursion isn’t just a one-time thing for the MCU, and will be the main focus of Doctor Strange 3 where Theron’s character will be prominent for Doctor Strange's return in the Dark Dimension. What’s only plausible at this moment is that Dormammu might be the main villain for Doctor Strange 3, but of course, Marvel might play it differently.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is now showing in theaters worldwide.