Doctor Strange 2: Bruce Campbell Teases Mysterious Cameo Role

While a lot of fans are speculating about the possible characters who might be showing up for a cameo in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, there are also some who are wondering about Bruce Campbell's potential appearance as well. After all, he has worked with director Sam Raimi in numerous films including the Evil Dead series and his cameos in the Spider-Man trilogy. He has also previously teased his potential involvement in his film last year on social media. Now, it looks like it has been confirmed and we may have a clue on the role that he will be playing.

Reddit user tylerjb223 recently posted on the "Raimimemes" subreddit regarding his encounter with Campbell at an Armed Forces Entertainment convention in which he shared the exchange that he had with the actor including their conversation regarding his appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

According to the user, Campbell revealed that he indeed filmed a cameo appearance and teased that he worked with a certain beloved character although he is unsure if his scene will be in the final cut. "The deal with Doctor Strange is interesting. A majority of the film was reshot extensively, so I have no idea what's in there and what isn’t," the actor said as recalled by the user. "I did a cool scene with a character that's been beloved for years, and... we’ll have to see what ends up in the movie. I don’t know if it's still in there. It's a pretty cool part."

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As we all know, the sequel underwent massive reshoots recently to rework some of the scenes and add more cameo appearances as a result of the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home. Based on Campbell's words, it looks like he only showed up in a scene or two, but it also seems that he is involved in a key scene since he allegedly shared a scene with a beloved character which he didn't name.

Hopefully, Campbell's scene will make it in the final cut as it would be very cool to see him pop up during the film and it has also been a tradition of sorts for him to show up in Raimi's films, even in just a cameo appearance. We can also start speculating on what kind of cameo role is he going to do and which beloved character he was talking about that he shared a scene with. Of course, we won't find out any of the answers until we finally see the film.

Also Read: Doctor Strange 2: Taron Egerton Addresses Possible Wolverine Role

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is set to be released in theaters on May 6.