Do Kuro and Kotoko End Up Together in In/Spectre?

Do Kuro and Kotoko End Up Together in InSpectre Kuro
Credit: Brain's Base

Do Kuro and Kotoko End Up Together in InSpectre Kuro
Credit: Brain's Base

In/Spectre is back for its second season after three full years. While it's not a romance anime per se, fans have been wondering about the main characters' relationship. So, do Kuro and Kotoko end up together in In/Spectre? Here's what we can tell you thus far!

How Did Kuro and Kotoko Meet?

How Did Kuro and Kotoko Meet
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Credit: Brain's Base

Kotoko met Kuro in a local hospital. She had sought him out because she felt that there was something supernatural going on about him.

Indeed, Kuro turned out to be immortal, with the ability to heal very fast. Sensing his potential -- and already being in love with him -- she suggested that he assist her in her mission to help yokai.

Kotoko fell in love with Kuro the first time they met, but he was recovering from a bad breakup at the time, so he didn't see her in a romantic way.

How Did Kuro and Kotoko Meet
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Credit: Brain's Base

Moreover, their starting a relationship back then would've been problematic, as Kotoko was not yet an adult and Kuro was 20 years old.

However, Kotoko is 19 when the story properly starts, as there's a time skip of a few years after their first encounter.

Even then, it takes some time for Kuro to see her as a romantic partner.

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Do Kuro and Kotoko End Up Together?

Do Kuro and Kotoko End Up Together
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Credit: Brain's Base

After a lot of adventures, Kuro and Kotoko do end up together. It took longer for Kuro to fall in love with Kotoko, and, because of his disposition in the anime, some viewers find that he doesn't seem to care about her as much as she cares about him.

Others feel that he cares about Kotoko a lot, but he is just not very good at showing it.

In any case, Kotoko's more demonstrative affection definitely overshadows his more quiet devotion. Though the manga does a better job of depicting their romantic relationship.

Hopefully, Season 2 will catch up and give fans many scenes showing their love.

So, Are Kuro and Kotoko Dating Now?

Are Kuro and Kotoko Dating Now
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Credit: Brain's Base

In the first episode of In/Spectre Season 2, we see that Kuro and Kotoko are actually dating now. This is confirmed by a group of yokai who mention that Kotoko now has a boyfriend who protects her.

When the couple is first seen in the premiere of the supernatural anime's second season, Kuro is considering moving. It's suggested that Kotoko is often staying over at his house.

Too many anime focus on slow-burn romances, to the point of winding up a bit tiring.

In that sense, it's refreshing to see a show in which the main characters are already together with several more episodes to go.

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