Kousei and Tsubaki are childhood friends in Your Lie in April. While it is true that the series emphasized the whirlwind romance between Kousei and Kaori, their love story was cut short after Kaori passed away. That leaves fans to wonder whether Kousei and Tsubaki get together in Your Lie in April.
Did this mean that Kousei was able to have a happy ending on his own, and maybe with his best friend Tsubaki? As fans might have noticed, Tsubaki was one of his pillars.
She was always there for him, especially when he needed her the most. If Kaori had not been part of the picture, surely, their relationship would’ve progressed, or so fans thought.
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Do Kousei and Tsubaki Get Together in Your Lie in April?
Unfortunately, that didn’t happen at all. Tsubaki and Kousei had so much history together but it was only when Kaori and Kousei fell in love that Tsubaki realized that she has feelings for her childhood friend. In that situation, he was not able to reciprocate her feelings.
In the story, it was shown that Tsubaki had a boyfriend. But when Kousei told her that he will be moving to another town to pursue his dreams, Tsubaki realized that she has indeed feelings for him and knowing that he will be gone made her feel lost.
She immediately dumped her boyfriend but instead of improving her relationship with Kousei, she helped him realize that who he loves is Kaori.
After Kaori passed away, Tsubaki promised that she will continue to be there for Kousei. She will continue to be a good friend who will never let him feel alone.
Though some fans believe that there is a chance for Kousei to fall in love with Tsubaki over time, the series didn’t mention this possibility.
The story ended perfectly, making it one of the best heartbreaking anime. Fans have different opinions on the matter but until the Your Lie in April manga gets a sequel or even a confirmation on the status of Kousei and Tsubaki, it is safe to assume that the two didn’t end up together.
Related: Your Lie in April: Which Is Better? The Anime or Manga?