Kyotaro Ichikawa is a loner student who dreams of murdering his classmates. His main target is a popular girl named Anna Yamada. But will Ichikawa and Yamada end up dating each other in The Dangers in My Heart?
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Ichikawa and Yamada: An Unlikely Pair in The Dangers in My Heart
Ichikawa gives creepy vibes as he drowns himself in a sea of true crime and macabre stories. He believes he is an edgy teenager who must kill his classmates, especially the popular ones.
He likes to wear goth clothing and often pairs it with chains, skulls, and other deathly jewelry. However, he does have an empathetic personality.
The Dangers in My Heart Episode 1 establishes that Ichikawa is a bit of a social outcast and often fantasizes about murdering and torturing others.
He also feels that his presence might cause problems for others so he avoids meeting others or any kind of social gatherings.
On the other hand, Yamada is on the other end of the social spectrum. She is beautiful, fashionable, and quite popular in the class.
However, due to her appearance, she attracts the wrong kind of boys -- that is why she always has her guard up against men.
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Do Yamada and Ichikawa End Up Together?
The Dangers in My Heart is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Norio Sakurai. Since the manga has not ended yet, it is difficult to determine if Yamada and Ichikawa would end up together.
Initially, Ichikawa dislikes everything about Yamada, including her charming personality and outgoing attitude. He even claims that Yamada is the girl he wants to kill the most.
As the manga progresses, Yamada tries her best to get to know more about Ichikawa.
Their first interaction is in the library and it is an awkward meeting but they kind of click.
Meanwhile, Yamada uses quirky ways to know more about him like coming up with pop quizzes or switching clothes.
In The Dangers in My Heart, she starts getting affectionate towards Ichikawa. She even gets jealous when he gets close to other girls in the class.
Elsewhere, Yamada feels Ichikawa is the perfect mixture of mysterious yet caring.
She thinks he is far better than other guys his age who are mostly shallow.
Meanwhile, Ichikawa is able to build friendships with other students because of Yamada.
In Ichikawa’s life, Yamada plays a key role to bring about a positive change.
Through Yamada, Ichikawa is able to look at people from a different perspective, which is not murderous.
In Episode 10 of The Dangers in My Heart, Ichikawa meets with Yamada for Christman Eve.
Yamada takes him for pancakes and he feels that they are on their first date.
Later, they also go shopping, and at an apparel store, they seem to have a moment with each other.
Ichikawa tells Yamada that he is having a good time with her. She even tells him that she got a scarf for him.
Toward the end of the episode, Ichikawa and Yamada end up holding hands, and Yamada hopes to see him again before New Year's Eve.
The episode concludes with Ichikawa wondering if he has a chance with Yamada.
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