The Star Wars franchise has been successful throughout the years. Being one of the biggest franchises with a huge fandom, they ought to pull out spinoffs and series to keep the fire going. Although they may have hit a rocky turn over the last five years. Ever since Disney purchased Lucasfilm, fans are a bit warry of the franchise.
Despite making billions at the box office, releasing successful comics, live-action shows, and the like, fans expressed their disappointment with some of their projects.
Solo: A Star Wars Story was a huge bummer and a division of fans was made with the Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Add the anticipation for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland that is rumored to be not doing so well as they expected. And as it turns out, Bob Iger, Disney's CEO, cannot ignore the following events.
Iger reveals his thoughts on the situation during a recent interview with the New York Times. With the topic regarding how the franchises were stretched too thin, Iger admits he agrees with this. Saying that they "might've put a little bit too much in the market place too fast", particularly with Star Wars.
Although they were ambitious with their projects for the Star Wars franchise, Iger thinks that "the storytelling capabilities of the company are endless." Especially with the talented people they have at the company, and even more as per the "influx of people from Fox."
If you recall, Lucasfilm had planned on making new installments of a trilogy as well as anthology films under A Star Wars Story. Since the release of Rogue One and Solo, these plans weren't continued. And with Rian Johnson's uncertainties on a new trilogy, Disney focused on several series to be included in Disney+.
The upcoming movie Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, directed by J.J. Abrams is the next one for this franchise. The film's release is scheduled on the 20th of December.
Also Read:Fox Was Angry About Disney Buying LucasFilm Because They Didn't Do It