I think we can all agree that Jessica Rabbit has got to be one of the biggest sex symbols the world of animation has ever seen and the amount of times she's been sexualized in various forms of media is already hard to keep track of. Famously appearing in the 1988 cult classic Who Framed Roger Rabit, the bodacious character has become a pop culture phenomenon and dare I say was responsible for a lot of people's sexual awakening back in the day.
Of course, we're no longer in 1988 and in 2021, everything has drastically changed and this is probably the reason why Disney is making a bold decision by changing the way Jessica Rabbit is portrayed moving forward. Turns out, the House of Mouse will transform the beloved character from a feisty and sultry damsel in distress into an empowered woman which I'd have to say is politically correct by today's standards.
The Jessica Rabbit featured in Disneyland's 27-year-old Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin ride will be a reimagined version of the character and she will no longer be portrayed as a damsel in distress. Interestingly, it also looks like Jessica will be dropping her sultry image, and based on new promotional material for the said ride, the House of Mouse has officially redesigned the character, giving her a trench coat and fedora similar to Eddie Valiant's look.
Some people lauded Disney's decision to reimagine Jessica but the shocking makeover raised quite a number of eyebrows as well and understandably so. Check out some of the reactions below:
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Of course, Disney has always been a family-friendly company so a change like this shouldn't come as a surprise. However, it'll be interesting to see if Disney actually keeps it going especially now that fans of the "old" and "original" Jessica Rabbit are growing increasingly unhappy over the transformation. Have we really seen the last of the sultry siren? My guess is no and it's safe to assume that the backlash will eventually force Disney to revert back to Jessica's original design and portrayal.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is available for streaming on Amazon Instant Video, iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu.