Earlier this week, reports got out about thousands of Disney+ accounts getting hacked following its launch. Some subscribers of the latest streaming platform began to receive emails prompting them about password changes in their accounts. These accounts are then sold to hacking forums and the black market. Following the shocking news, Disney issues a statement regarding the matter.
A Disney rep recently spoke to Variety to clarify the reports. The rep claimed that there was no evidence of any security breach found within the platform. "We continuously audit our security systems," the rep added. When Disney finds an attempted suspicious login, it "proactively locks the associated user account." This will then be directed to the user in order for them to select a new password.
Disney pointed out that stolen usernames and passwords aren't exactly something new. They claim that billions of accounts have been leaked from previous breaches at other companies, even prior to Disney+'s launch.
According to the House of Mouse, they have seen a "very small percentage of users" caught up in the situation. They are urging these users to reach out for customer support once they have similar issues.
Despite multiple problems that rose from their launch, including connection errors and hacked accounts, Disney+ still earned 10 million subscribers in one day.
Subscribers of Disney+ would be able to stream Disney, Pixar, and National Geographic content. As well as movies and series from the Star Wars and Marvel franchise.
What do you think of Disney's statement regarding the hacked accounts? Have you experienced any problems when you subscribed to their streaming platform? Tell us in the comments below!
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