Thousand Of Disney+ Accounts Have Reportedly Been Hacked And Sold

It looks like Disney's having a bit of trouble with its new streaming site.

Disney+ made its big debut last Tuesday, however, new reports indicate that user accounts have been hacked and resold on the black market.

According to ZD Net, thousands of Disney+ user accounts have already been hacked and have been sold on hacking forums. Though some of these accounts are being offered for free on these forums, others are being made available for prices that range between $3 to $11 online.

Apparently, there are a number of users who have reported losing access to their accounts on Disney+, saying that hackers were accessing their accounts, logging them out of all their devices, and then changing the email and password on the account. This effectively takes over the account and locks the original owner out.

These Disney+ subscribers have been reporting these hacks on social media sites like Twitter and Reddit.

Hacking is just one of the issues Disney faces with its new streaming site. Disney+ was littered with technical issues during its launch with multiple users reporting that they were unable to access and stream their favorite movies and shows.

While this new report might sound alarming, others have been defending Disney+, saying that these users making these reports may have been compromised because of weak passwords. According to some, hacking has happened to other sites like Netflix, Hulu, and NBA Game Pass where accounts would be sold on the dark web for around $5.

We're just hoping that Disney looks into this issue soon.

Disney+ is now available online.

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